Extend the Life of Your Hardwood Floors With Refinishing

Hardwood Floor Refinishing Bergen County NJ are a classic feature in any home. While they are beautiful, they can also be a significant undertaking to refinish.

Whether you have solid or engineered hardwood floors, it may be time to refinish them. Signs of worn wood include major scratches, dents and gouges or water damage that causes the wood to turn gray or black.

Hardwood floors are a beautiful addition to any home, adding warmth and elegance that is difficult to match. However, they can also become scratched or stained over time. Luckily, it’s possible to extend the life of your hardwood flooring by refinishing it. This is a costly but worthwhile project that will give your floor new life and revive the classic look it once had.

Unlike carpeting, which has to be replaced when it becomes worn, wood floors can usually be refinished several times throughout their lifespan. The key is knowing when it’s time to refinish them. In general, refinishing is a good idea whenever the top layer of protective polyurethane begins to degrade.

A major benefit of refinishing is that it restores your hardwood floors to their natural state, revealing the color and grain. It’s important to note, however, that refinishing is only suitable for floors that are in fairly good condition. If your floor is severely damaged or discolored, it may be best to replace them instead of refinishing them.

To refinish your floors, you’ll need to first sand them down to the raw wood underneath. This is the most labor-intensive part of refinishing. It involves using a series of sanding equipment to remove all of the layers of finish and stain, leaving you with bare hardwood floors.

Before beginning this step, it’s recommended that you wear a dust mask to avoid breathing in any wood particles. It’s also important to take the proper precautions to ensure that you don’t spread dust to other parts of your home. Ideally, you should work in one room at a time and close the windows and doors to contain the dust.

You’ll need to sand your floors using a drum sander equipped with 60 or 100 grit sandpaper for the main floor area and an edging sander for the perimeter. It’s also a good idea to use a power hand sander for the corners and any nooks that the drum sander can’t reach.

Once you’ve finished sanding, vacuum and sweep the floor again to eliminate any remaining dust. Next, apply a second coat of sanding sealer and allow it to dry for a few days, per the product’s labelled instructions. Once the sealer is completely dry, you can reinstall baseboards, shoe mouldings and transitions. Before replacing furniture, it’s a good idea to apply felt pads to all legs and feet to prevent them from rescratching the floor over time.


While staining hardwood floors isn’t as difficult as painting a wall, it is more time-consuming and can be costly if it’s not done correctly. This is why it’s best to hire a professional who specializes in wood floor staining. They can save you a lot of money in the long run and ensure that your new floor looks exactly how you want it to.

Before staining, the room is prepared by removing all furniture and baseboards, and all vents and doors are sealed to prevent dust from spreading outside the home. Specialized equipment is used to sand away the existing finish and prepare the bare wood for staining. Once the sanding process is complete, multiple passes with finer sandpaper are made to create a smooth surface. This is one of the most important steps of the entire refinishing process. A rough sanding can damage the integrity of your hardwood floors, making them less attractive.

When it comes to staining hardwood floors, color selection is a very important factor. If you don’t choose the right shade, your floors may end up looking dull or discolored. The color of your walls, the lighting in the room, and other factors can influence how the stain will look on your floors. It’s recommended to test the color of the stain on a small section of the floor before you apply it to the whole room.

Staining can be a labor-intensive process, and it is important to work carefully and follow the manufacturer’s instructions. It’s also essential to take the time to let each coat of stain dry fully before applying another layer.

If you’re planning to refinish your hardwood floors yourself, it’s a good idea to purchase or rent the necessary equipment. Most hardware stores offer staining kits that include everything you need. You should also remember to wear appropriate clothing, such as rubber gloves and kneepads. Staining can be messy, and you don’t want to ruin your nice clothes.

Refinishing your hardwood floors is a great way to enhance the beauty of your home and increase its value. However, it’s important to maintain your floors by regularly sweeping and vacuuming, wiping up spills immediately, and rearranging furniture to distribute wear evenly.


Hardwood floors are a beautiful and timeless addition to any home. They add beauty, warmth, and character and increase your home’s value. However, like any investment, it’s important to keep them in good condition. Recognizing signs that your hardwood floors need a little TLC can help you keep them looking their best and protect them for years to come. Refinishing and resealing are two excellent options for keeping your hardwood floors in top shape.

Refinishing is a more extensive and labor-intensive option, but it’s the best choice for severely damaged or worn hardwood floors. Refinishing removes the existing finish and sands the hardwood beneath to reveal fresh, beautiful new wood. When done properly, refinishing can take your hardwood floors back to their original beauty and can even be used to change the stain color.

The wear layer is the topmost layer of a hardwood floor and is what endures the most abuse from daily life. Every scratch, scuff, and furniture dragged across your hardwood floors will eventually wear down this protective surface. This is why it’s important to reseal your hardwood floors on a regular basis.

Resealing your floors with Bona Floor Refinishing products will provide a long-lasting protection for your hardwood floors. Bona offers a full line of waterborne finishes that are easy to apply and dry quickly. The right product will keep your floors hydrated and will provide the moisture protection needed to prevent warping, cupping and other damage.

There’s nothing quite like the satisfaction of refinishing your own hardwood floors. Although the logistics can be tricky, and the sawdust and products can be messy, it’s still a great DIY project. However, hiring a professional may be the best option if your hardwood floors are badly damaged or worn, or if you’d rather not deal with the mess.

When choosing a hardwood flooring contractor, check for certifications from the National Wood Flooring Association and the Better Business Bureau. A reputable flooring company will treat their customers with respect and will settle any problems quickly and fairly. A BCC will have a proven track record and be familiar with the latest Bona refinishing technologies to ensure your floors are refinished in the most effective way possible.


Hardwood floors are a beautiful addition to any home. They provide a timeless elegance and classic charm that is unmatched by any other flooring material. But like all things, they need a little care and maintenance to keep them looking their best. When those hardwood floors start showing signs of wear and tear, refinishing is the solution. This simple process will breathe new life into your existing hardwood, making them look almost as good as the day they were installed, and adding precious years to their lifespan.

You can usually tell when it’s time to refinish your wood floors by doing a quick water drop test. Just place a few drops of water on the floor and watch what happens. If the water beads up, your floors are still in fairly good shape and you can wait a bit before refinishing them. However, if the water soaks in immediately, it’s time to get your refinishing gear on and prepare to refinish those wood floors!

When you are ready to refinish your hardwood floors, the most important thing to remember is that this can be a messy project. While there are ways to contain the dust and minimize cleanup, it is not a project for DIYers (unless you have a lot of friends willing to help move furniture, sand, and clean up). Professional flooring contractors are trained and supported in the use of Bona’s full line of professional products from sanding to staining and will take care of your floors with minimal disruption to your home.

The cost of refinishing your hardwood floors is typically based on the square footage of your home. This will determine how long it takes the contractor to finish and how much they charge per square foot. Some contractors will also offer additional services, such as cleaning the floors before sanding and refinishing or removing and replacing old carpet, that can increase or decrease your total cost.

Refinishing your hardwood floors is a great way to refresh the look of your home and add value to your property. But if your wood floors are in such bad condition that they cannot be saved with refinishing, then it may be time to consider replacement instead. If you are unsure whether your hardwood floors are salvageable or not, have a professional wood flooring expert take a look to be sure.
